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What You Need To Know about Pillows for Children under 4 Years Old

Views: 86     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-31      Origin: Site

New parents generally have many questions about sleep products for babies and toddlers. Such as does my baby need a pillow? When can they use a pillow? How should I choose a pillow for my baby? Today we'll look at how to choose a good pillow for your child under the age of 4 to give them a good night's sleep.

1. Make sure the pillow is very flat.

This is one of the most important factors in choosing a pillow for your baby. Your child needs a pillow that provides the right amount of support for their little head, neck and back. A pillow that is not flat will cause their head to be lifted too high. Plush pillows can be too soft and pose a risk of suffocation. In addition, plush pillows can provide a platform for adventurous toddlers to climb out of their cots.

2. Make sure the pillow has a firm core.

Pillows with only soft filling are not supportive enough and may be a suffocation hazard. It also won't last long before the baby pillow becomes very flat and uncomfortable. Avoid using pillows with memory foam as this can cause a suffocation hazard.

baby pillows

3. Make sure the pillow is breathable.

A breathable overall will allow your baby to sleep more comfortably as your baby will not cry.

4. Make sure it is not too big.

Use a crib-sized pillow rather than an adult-sized pillow.

5. Make sure you are happy with the materials used

The materials used in baby pillows usually include a foam core, polyester filling and a fabric cover. Look for anti-bacterial treatments for the foam and natural fiber coverings such as cotton or bamboo. Always remember that you are choosing a pillow for your baby and not for yourself. Your child's head and neck are much lighter and smaller than an adult's and they don't need the same level of plush and comfort.

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